Wednesday, October 10, 2012


As the tokers and stoners used to say in the sixties, “He is wild, man! Wild!” They were right and still are. He was wild with Moses and Pharaoh, and He’s still wild today. He is fierce, and He acts like He owns the entire planet. No, make that the universe. He really believes that He is the most worthy, most majestic, magnificent, glorious, stunningly beautiful being in the universe. And He is fixated on the certainty that only He deserves worship—that to Him alone belong honor, glory, and praise forever and forever. With red-rimmed, stinging eyes and burning hair, all we can say is—He is right. He is astonishingly beautiful, utterly majestic and perfect in the symmetries of justice and righteousness, knowledge and wisdom. He is as hypnotically compelling as a surging forest fire and ten times as dangerous. He is out of control—ours, not His.

~ Timothy J. Stoner, The God Who Smokes: Scandalous Meditations on Faith